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Month: July 2021

Debunking the myths – women DO ask for a pay-rise as much as men!

Debunking the myths – women DO ask for a pay-rise as much as men!

One of my favourite activities is myth busting – and especially myths about women (and about age). The Harvard Business Review recently published the results from research they did in Australia which found no gender differences in negotiation behaviour.  Women were just as likely as men to ask for higher salaries, and men and women were equally likely to report avoiding negotiations if they feared it would hurt their relationship with their boss. HBR says it is possible that women’s…

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Late Bloomers – why you shouldn’t rush into a fast-track career

Late Bloomers – why you shouldn’t rush into a fast-track career

As part of our series on patterns of working, I recently read a feature on entitled ‘I retired first’, written by Gregory J Beaupre.  Gregory talked about his elongated degree programme together with the multiple gap years he took and likened them to retiring first.  He references a mind-opening book by Rich Karlgaard called Late Bloomers: The Power of Patience in a World Obsessed with Early Achievement.  Karlgaard puts forward a convincing argument for not rushing into a fast-track…

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