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Month: February 2022

BRITAIN’S BABY SHORTAGE – what businesses should be doing about it

BRITAIN’S BABY SHORTAGE – what businesses should be doing about it

I read about Britain’s baby shortage in The Times this week.  It seems that Britain is running out of babies which could lead to economic decline, so sooner or later we’ll have to talk about what to do about it.  The birth-rate in England and Wales peaked in 1964 when the number of children per woman averaged 2.93. Last year it was 1.58, well below the 2.1 replacement level needed to keep the population rate stable, and in Scotland it…

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Feminists don’t wear pink (and other lies)- Scarlett Curtis

Feminists don’t wear pink (and other lies)- Scarlett Curtis

“I’m not a feminist, but ….”   I’ve often heard this said by hugely successful women who work and fight hard to achieve equality, yet they still struggle to identify with being a feminist.  Feminism has been complicated over the decades and centuries – there are many different interpretations and associations – many of them negative (man-hating, bra burning, butch, etc. etc.). According to google, the definition of feminism is “the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of the equality…

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An economist’s view of how you can increase your productivity by 32%

An economist’s view of how you can increase your productivity by 32%

The Power of Opening up the Conversation What has been surprising about writing Wonder Women is the support Giles and I have had from unlikely sources – not just women in marketing.  Living on my beautiful road are some formidable women from a range of different backgrounds and careers and they have become big supporters, ordering the book for themselves, as well as their friends, daughters, daughter-in-laws.   Maggie (one of the formidable women) posted an article through my door…

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Celebrating women’s success – Dame Sarah Story

Celebrating women’s success – Dame Sarah Story

In the 2012 run up to the London Olympics I had the privilege of sitting next to Sarah Story at a Scottish Widows’ dinner.  I was a Director at The Value Engineers working with the brand and insight team and she was an ambassador for the iconic brand together with Roger Black.  If you can think back to before the London 2012 Olympics, people’s knowledge and understanding of the Paralympics was minimal, so it was Roger Black who stole the…

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When I was a Director at The Value Engineers, I worked closely with Scottish Widows.  I loved working on this iconic brand which was set up in 1815 to take care of women and children who lost their fathers, brothers and husbands in the Napoleonic Wars.  It’s been a industry trailblazer brand for women since its inception and today (over 200 years later) it’s championing women to have a better quality of life in retirement by highlighting the Gender Pension…

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